Profilbild Shannon Hoskins
Cadeaux 10 Déjà achetés 6

Mountain Laurel employees as a collective have gathered to put a wish list together for our center.

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#GagneDesCommissions *

Walker talkies for communication from one classroom to another would be a great addition to our center

USD 199,99

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This specific Geometry Cabinet for Upper Elementary.

USD 178,00

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#GagneDesCommissions *

This type of vaccum would be nice for the upstairs hardfloor and smaller carpets.

USD 49,99

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#GagneDesCommissions *

We currently have no ladders avaiable at our center. A step ladder would help us change some of the light bulbs and Reach shelves.

USD 54,99

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#GagneDesCommissions *

New and used would be a great addition to replace some of our worn clothes.

USD 13,99

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* En tant que Partenaire Amazon, Wishbob réalise un bénéfice sur les achats remplissant les conditions requises.